
Feb 05, 2020

Some days you feel pretty.

Truth is I took yesterday off as a mental wellness day.
My body and my mind were telling me I wasn’t at my best, so I listened.

A year ago I would have ploughed through this feeling and it took a long time to get “out of my funk”.
This time I made the decision to take the day and recharge and it was the right decision..,for me.

I slept in, gave myself a spa day, did my hair and makeup (this the I feel pretty line) and met a friend for lunch...just because.
Today I feel focused, renewed and ready to face the day.
I put myself first and I’m glad I did.

As women we sometimes take on the weight of the world as we worry about our family, feel we need to work that much harder for equal recognition, or burn the candle at both ends to please others.

That’s okay as long as we listen and react to what WE need to perform at a high level.

That’s what I did yesterday and yes I feel pretty, inside and out!
Bring on the day.


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