
#coaching #commitment #personaldevelopment #selfdevelopment Feb 12, 2020

Crazy = Courage

Over the last 12 months I’ve been on a journey of self development and along the way I have gained clarity on what I want to do on my next life adventure.

I want to start by saying that working with my personal high performance coach was the best investment I’ve ever made in myself. She was a great guide and helped me discover that I can do more, give more, and live a life that brings me more joy and happiness.
But...and this is a good but... I PUT IN THE WORK!

I am proud I was all in when it came to the process. I valued myself to get a coach in the first place, but I also needed to trust and believe that by making changes and creating habits along the way, they are truly going to make a difference.

Fast forward to today.
From all of the things that I’ve learned, I have decided that I am crazy and brave enough to start a new journey to becoming a personal coach myself.


So lesson here is to commit not only to yourself and your goals, but make the investment in yourself.  Goals are nothing if you don't put a real plan in place to make things happen. 

Start with the end in mind and build a plan to support what you want to achieve.


Take that goal, work out your monthly milestones and break those down to weekly and daily tasks.

Use a calendar or "battleboard" that will be posted in a prominent area of your home or work space, so you can visualize and "checkoff" the to do's to make the goal a reality.

Invest at least 30 minutes a day to work the plan. Whether its working on the infrastructure of your business, researching, educating yourself, or for cultivating creative thoughts...just commit the time.  You're worth it!


Surround yourself with a network of people to both support you and to network with.  Share ideas and boost each other up...this is critical for momentum.

And finally, adopt a wellness lifestyle.  This will help with focus, energy and clarity.  All factors for success.

It's not's commitment!


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