
Jan 16, 2020

Life is really about balance.

What’s most important is that we take care of ourselves so we can bring our best selves to every situation.

For some that's crafting, reading, exercising...

We forget that taking care of ourselves enables us to take care of others and perform at a high level.

We sometimes feel that by putting ourselves first we are somehow selfish or not serving others.

So I ask, how can we possibly be our best selves if we aren't healthy mentally, physically or spiritually.


I encourage those that I lead and work with to invest in themselves all the time so that they can be at their best.  I truly believe that this is the game changer for everything that gives us joy, accomplishment and challenge.

I know that if I am the best version of me, I can then serve others better.

Live our best life
Bring your best self
Share joy and positivity


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